St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage

13 September 2019 (by schoollogin)

Outdoor Exploring!

The children have made the most of the good weather this week choosing to learn in the secret garden exploring the the snails and harvesting huge carrots! They were so big that lots of children helped to pull out the vegetables. Next week we will be harvesting the potatoes and cooking them for a snack. Thank you for waiting at the gate in the morning, we will be encouraging your child to come into school by themselves from Monday if they are ready. We are excited that the Badger and Hedgehog classes will be full time from next week and look forward to welcoming you to our Happy Week Stay and Play next Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There are still places left on some dates please, ask your class teacher for a booking.