St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

Collective Worship

All children take part in daily Collective Worship. Through Collective Worship our children begin to understand the distinctive features of Anglican practice and the centrality of prayer in worship. Our daily Worship plays a very important part of school life and always starts our school day.

 To help us with Collective Worship we welcome our weekly visits from YEAST, who explore Bible stories with the children and from the vicar of All Saints Church, Rev Stuart Grant. 

Collective Worship themes are planned on a termly basis and enable us to reflect on our school vision, our Christian values, the key concepts from Understanding Christianity and the major Christian festivals as well as any current issues that may arise.  We also follow the Journey Through the Bible resources produced by the Diocese of York.

Please click on the links below to see our current and most recent Worship plans:

Collective Worship Plan Summer 2 2024

Collective Worship Plan Summer 1 2024

Collective Worship Plan Spring 2 2024

Collective Worship Plan Spring 1 2024

Collective Worship Plan Autumn 2 2023

Collective Worship Plan Autumn 1 2023

Collective Worship Policy

 Interactive Bible Stories:

This link will take you to a website with several interactive Bible Stories for children:

Interactive Bible Stories

Things to talk about at home:

Click on the links in the Values boxes below for a sheet of ideas to talk about at home.


Bible Stories to share:

Ruth and Naomi- Ruth 1

David and Jonathan- 1 Samuel 18-20

Through the roof-  Mark 2 1:12

The Good Samaritan-Luke 10:27

Friendship Home/School Values sheet


Bible stories to share:

David and Goliath 

1 Samuel Chapter 17

Jesus Calms the Storm

Mark 4; 35-41

click below for an interactive version

Jesus Calms the Storm

Peace Home/School Value Sheet


Bible Stories to share:

Moses and the Burning Bush-Exodus 3,4

The Children ion the Temple

The Good Samaritan-Luke 10:27

Respect Home /School Value sheet



Bible Stories to share:

Joseph and his brothers Genesis 37: 17-33

Zaccheus Luke 19: 1-10

Jacob and Esau Genesis 27 1-40

Honesty Home/School Value Sheet



Bible stories to share

The Widow who never gave up-Luke 18:1-8

Daniel in the Lions Den

Daniel 1 1:7

Perseverance Home/School Value sheet



Bible stories to share:

The Loaves and the Fishes

The Creation Story

Noah's Ark