St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

Spiritual Development


Driffield CE Infant School welcomes all God’s children and their families and is a place where children of all faiths and none flourish and are inspired by the Christian character and values of our school and learn to love God, one another and themselves (Mark 12:30-31) in order that they can ‘Live life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)

It is this ethos underpinned by the words from Matthew 5: 14-16 ‘Learn to let your light shine’ that underpins our approach to spiritual development for the whole school community.

What is Spirituality?

Delight in all things

Being absorbed in the present moment

Not too attached to ‘self’ and eager to explore boundaries

of ‘beyond’ and ‘other’

Searching for meaning

Discovering purpose

Open to more?

Spirituality is like a bird; if you hold it too tightly, it chokes; if you hold it too loosely it flies away. Fundamental to spirituality is the absence of force.

Rabbi Hugo Gryn

Spirituality is a common natural feature of most children’s lives and is initially an awareness of the sacred quality to life experiences. This awareness can be conscious or unconscious, but in both cases can affect actions, feelings and thoughts as children become more aware of their relationships beyond themselves i.e. with others, with God (or the transcendent), with the environment or to a deeper sense of inner self and exploring experiences beyond the everyday. Spiritual learners search for meaning in their very existence and their place in the greater scheme of things.

Children’s Spiritual development should not be ‘the icing on the cake’ but should thread though everything we do, it is a basic necessity for children to flourish and be the very best that they can be. It is defined as  right in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

Pupils’ spiritual development is shown by their:

  • Beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values,
  • Sense of enjoyment and fascinations in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible,
  • Use of imagination and creativity in learning
  • Willingness to reflect on their learning and experience
  • Ability to ask ‘Big Questions’ that may have no answer.

 We also believe that it is vital that all adults in school also see the need to develop their own spirituality for their own wellbeing and good mental health, and so that they can effectively support and help our children and each other.

Our Aims

Our aim is to support children and adults in school to explore 4 key concepts of spirituality.

The Individual (self):

  • To develop self-awareness, confidence, sense of worth, an understanding and application of personal values and beliefs, the ability to handle feelings and personal creativity. To see themselves as a unique individual.

Relationships to Others:

  • To develop openness and awareness to differences, empathy and the individual’s awareness of their place within the wider group and community. Spiritual learners reflect on how their values and principles affect their relationship with others.

Relationship to the World and Universe:

  • To develop a sense of wonder and awe, appreciation of the beauty and the variety of nature and their ability to respond emotionally to the wonder of the natural world and the results of human creativity. Spiritual learners explore their understanding of beauty and the affect this has on their perception of and relationship with the world.

Exploration of Ultimate Questions

  • To become increasingly aware of the concept of the beyond – a growing relationship with the transcendental and the ability to explore experiences and ask questions that pertain to beyond the everyday. Spiritual learners search for meaning in their very existence and their place in the greater scheme of things.

 Each of these concepts are explored through 3 lenses;

  1. Encounter: learning about life; providing openings for spiritual development and a growing appreciation of the
  2. Reflection: beyond, a search for meaning, critical reasoning and big questions.
  3. Transformation: Learning to live life, responding as a means of expressing the need to understand the purpose of life. 

To find out more click on the following links:

Spirituality and Spiritual Development Policy        Spiritual Development Progression