St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. Year 1

Year 1

1 February 2019 (by schoollogin)

Wear Red Day and a busy week..

The children all looked brilliant in their red clothes today - thank you so much for all the donations for the British Heart Foundation.

The children have all had a great week exploring their new books. We've seen some brilliant writing this week, the children have written some amazing book reviews. If you get the chance I'm sure they'd love to tell you all about their class book!

The children have been learning more about animals, and have worked hard to learn different animal groups (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish and insects) .. I wonder how many different groups you can spot this weekend?