Hedgehogs31 January 2025 (by schoollogin) |
Chinese New Year
We have had a wonderful week celebrating Chinese New Year. The children have learnt about some of the traditions associated with Chinese or Lunar New Year. The children tasted some Chinese food and watched a traditional Chinese dragon dance. In PE, we learnt how to move like a dragon, using different levels in our dance. Throughout the week, the children have worked together to collaboratively make a large dragon head for our Chinese dragon dance. They have also all made individual dragon masks, with paper streamers to represent the fire. This afternoon, the children performed a dragon dance around the school. Some children danced under the large dragon, while others danced with their dragon masks and some children played musical instruments. We made lots of noise to scare away the bad luck and evil spirts, so lots of good luck could enter.
This week, we have also been celebrating National Story Telling Week and National Mental Health Week. We combined these two events in our afternoon reading sessions throughout the week. Thank you so much to everyone who managed to come along and enjoy these sessions with us. If you are interested in the 'Mood Booster' activities, they are available online. Please just search for BBC Mood Boosters and choose from some of the activities available.
Our new phonics sounds this week are: air as in chair and er as in hammer. The children have been investigating words with double letters and they have been introduced to chunking. This is breaking down two syllable words into two parts when decoding to read them. These words have included: hammer, bigger, rabbit, ribbon, carrot, kitten & digger.
In maths this week the children have been introduced to odd and even numbers. We introduced this by pairing up socks, if their was one odd sock left, the number was odd, but if every sock was in a pair, the number was even.
Please remember, we start our Environmentalism fortnight next week. Please send in any small plastic bottles, plastic bottle tops, colourful plastic bags or sweet wrappers to support our creative work.
As always if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Have a lovely weekend with your family.
Kind regards
Mrs Dean & Miss Wain
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