St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. French Club

French Club

10 March 2020 (by schoollogin)

Les couleurs!

The theme of French Club this afternoon was colours. The children started with learning the colours using a presentation on the SMARTboard that included a game to find the correctly coloured pair of shoes. After that, they played a game in which they had to make French-English translations of colours and the prize was a sweet....if they could state its colour in French! The children completed a wordsearch and then played a version of connect 4 which involved naming four colours in a row. Fun was had by all and there are some very competitive connect 4 players in this group-they were difficult to beat!