St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

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  1. News
  2. World Book Day

World Book Day

1 March 2020 (by schoollogin)

A week of activities

World Book Day!
Next Thursday is World Book Day and we are celebrating all week with various different activities. Here's a quick reminder of what's happening!
Sponsored read: This is running all week from Monday-Friday. The challenge is to read as many books at home as possible to raise money for more books for school. Please remember to fill out your sponsor forms that were sent home before half-term. Happy reading!
Bedtime stories: Tuesday 3rd March 6-7pm, children can come to school in their PJs, be read bedtime stories whilst indulging in hot chocolate and biscuits! All children to be accompanied by an adult; there will be a short reading presentation for adults. If you haven't yet booked your place but would like to come, please contact the school office.
World Book Day: Thursday 5th March. Please come dressed as your favourite animal character from a book. All children will be given a £1 World Book day token and WHsmith will kindly be visiting so that we can use these to choose our books. A full day of fun book-based activities is also planned!
We are looking forward to an exciting week ahead!