St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. Year Two

Year Two

18 September 2019 (by schoollogin)

Young Leaders' Award

This week all of Year Two have started work on their very prestigious 'Young Leaders' Award'. This is a scheme run by the diocese. From now until Christmas, the children will learn that leaders are kind, good at teamwork, they persevere and they take action. The children will be involved in a variety of exciting and thought-provoking activities that will help them to develop their skills in these areas. At the end of the scheme, they will receive a Young Leaders' certificate and present their work in a special ceremony.
The first unit is 'kindness' and, as part of this, we have considered 'cotton wool and sandpaper words'. That is, words that can make us feel soft and fluffy inside like cotton wool and those that can make us feel spiky inside like sandpaper. We have all agreed to use cotton wool words with one another and at home (so listen out for those!)
We have also considered how autumn is approaching and therefore a kind act would be to build some shelters for animals looking to hibernate. We have considered how these will need to be 'strong' and 'waterproof'. Today, we worked as scientists to design and carry out fair tests to investigate how waterproof a variety of materials are. Can your child explain their investigation and findings to you?