St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

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  3. Robin Class

Robin Class

8 March 2019 (by schoollogin)

The children and adults in the Robin Class have really enjoyed celebrating World Book Day!

We were hugely impressed with the thought and creativity that has gone in to the costumes!

We spent the day having  fun making our characters in the form of a mini me on a lolly stick,  tasting foods from different countries around the world and linking it to books from different countries and also had a book scavenger hunt! 

We were excited to receive a £1 book token which we used to exchange for a book.

The whole school Book Quiz was a roaring success and enjoyed by all. 

Thank you to everyone who took part in World Book Day 2019!  

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