St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

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Puffin Class

8 October 2020 (by schoollogin)

Our busy week

There has been a lot of talk about kindness in Puffins this week. On Monday we watched a video about Florence Nightingale, and discussed the different ways that she was able to show kindness to so many people. This then led into an activity about random acts of kindness. At such an uncertain time we know how small gestures can mean a lot to people. The children thought carefully about how they could help their friends and family out more, with suggestions such as keeping bedrooms tidy, helping someone if they were stuck and even just smiling at people more. It was great to see such a variety of thoughtful ideas.

In writing we finished reading Daisy 006 and a bit. The children then designed their own spy character along with some fantastic gadgets. From poisonous pens to secret camera sunglasses to nets and cages disguised in bags, the list goes on. Tomorrow they will be bringing their spies to life in their very own stories which is very exciting.